Thrasymachus blog posts (page 2)

  • Thrasymachus

    What's a Bog Toad, Really...

    by Thrasymachus,Jun/28/2020

    The metaphor of the Bog Toad appears throughout the works of Nietzsche. It represents a silly old fool, repeating things other people say, sort of like the croaking of an old toad in a bog (I'm not sure if it really implies that they're bald and actually look like an albino toad, or if that's just a bonus of happenstance). They are truly incapable of original thought. They're better off ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus

    Just do the right thing.

    by Thrasymachus,Jun/12/2020

    I was an MP in West Germany from '84 - '87, and I pulled my partner (who was a Spec 4) off a guy he was beating the shit out of on my first night (when I was an 18 year old PV2) of road duty. I did it in the heat of the moment without thinking about it. About a week later I yelled at one of my Sergeants "That's enough!" in a similar situation, where there was a bar fight and they turned on us, ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus

    as lockdown continues...

    by Thrasymachus,May/23/2020

    I couldn't help but notice that about a month ago someone wrote that we have completely over reacted to the TrumpVirus Pandemic, are wising up, and the lockdown is ending. I was SOOoo hoping that person was right for once. As of today, we have had over 92,000 deaths from it in the USA, and we have no real plan to slow this number down. We have a president who claims to be taking ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus

    My Dog Understands Conversational Language

    by Thrasymachus,Apr/27/2020

    For him to understand what people are saying, he only needs to be paying attention. You don't have to talk to him like a dog. When I'm on the phone, he listens in and gets excited if he hears me talking about something fun we might do. It got to where I started spelling things rather than say the words, and then he started getting excited if he hears me spelling words, so that stopped ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus

    new Rick and Morty episodes

    by Thrasymachus,Apr/25/2020

    So the newest 5 episodes that came out in December, the first time I saw them I was a little disappointed, but I rewatched them all over the last couple days, and I've revised my opinion. They're really good! There should be more new ones pretty soon, and I am much more stoked on that. Its nice to have stuff to look forward to.

  • Thrasymachus

    Saturday Afternoon Ramblings

    by Thrasymachus,Apr/18/2020

    I'm writing this now. Got my 2020 fishing license today. I like fishing. Its very peaceful if you aren't a fish. The Poo Sandwich Philosophy: Life is like a poo sandwich; the more bread you've got, the less poo you have to taste. You're reading this now. Why is there something, rather than Nothing? Really cold weather makes picking up dog crap way less heinous. The now is the ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus

    How Much Longer In Isolation?

    by Thrasymachus,Apr/17/2020

    I don't know about you, but it's really starting to get to me. It turns out that I am (or at least I was) a far more sociable person than I thought. OMG I could use a hug... How much longer will the economy be shut down? Hopefully it will remain shut down for however long that's the prudent thing to do, but still, will it ever fully recover from this? I mean, many small ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus

    Not Sinking Into Depression...

    by Thrasymachus,Apr/13/2020 know, because the whole stinkin' World feels like its coming unglued and stuff. Well let me tell ya, the weather here is not helping. Its snowing sideways outside right now! 2 days ago it was 65 (f) and sunny, all the snow finished melting into mud that looked likely to be drying soon, and now today a windy blizzard hits, and it feels for all the World that the end is nigh upon ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus


    by Thrasymachus,Apr/07/2020

    This just in: The CDC is reporting that corpses of people killed by Covfefe-19, the TrumpVirus, are now reanimating and eating the brains of the living. The Surgeon General advises staying inside to avoid both the TrumpVirus, and having your brain eaten. President Trump welcomes this new zombificatory development, as Gallup shows him polling at 100% with people that have no brains. When asked ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus

    my old profile answer, in case you're REALLY bored...

    by Thrasymachus,Mar/19/2020

    An early snow; it's sticking some too, flocking all the blood red and purple Fall foliage white. Stacking up a little on the North sides of headstones. Do the dead know how pretty it is just beyond the soil's darkness an arm's length or so away? I doubt it, but in the quiet of the falling snow, I wondered about that this morning. I'm Rob. My spirit animal is Owl. I read a lot of philosophy (hence ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus

    "Know Thyself"

    by Thrasymachus,Apr/07/2019

    Arguably Socrates' most famous quote, and it mostly goes unheeded. Not always though, some people fearlessly look inside and don't lie about the sight. This leads to the loss of the Freudian (so-called) sub-conscious mind. That phenomena serves to let its owner off the hook for their behavior, so the loss of it places the agency for actions taken squarely on the acting agent. Responsibility ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus

    Infinite Truth

    by Thrasymachus,Apr/04/2019

    If we define 'a truth' as any true sentence or proposition, there are infinitely many of them; in fact there are infinitely many truths within the confines of (the abstract language called) math alone. The possibility of uniquely ordered word combinations in the so-called natural languages would seem to indicate a similar infinitude, but the epistemology of such a claim is more dubious than it ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus

    "Can you cook? If so, then write your favorite recipe."

    by Thrasymachus,Mar/29/2019

    Can I cook? CAN I COOK?!?!?! Well hells yes I can cook!!! ~-~-~-~- DRAGON CLAWS -~-~-~-~ You will need, large fresh jalapeno peppers, thick cut bacon, cheese (I prefer smoked aged cheddar, but whatever you prefer based on personal taste and availability should suffice), and 2 skewer sticks per 4 Dragon Claws. Slice open the peppers and carefully destroy their ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus

    "What present would you like to get for your birthday this year?"

    by Thrasymachus,Mar/26/2019

    How about a '73 Pantera.

  • Thrasymachus

    No Collusion

    by Thrasymachus,Mar/25/2019

    It seems all a body would need to know is that an e-mail from the Russians claiming dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of their ongoing support of the Trump campaign was responded to by Jr. with, "If it's what you say it is, I love it!" This response of course led, unawares to The Donald, to the meeting in Trump Tower (and here is where we get to KNOW there was no possibility of collusion) where ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus


    by Thrasymachus,Mar/24/2019

    The March Basho just ended. Hakuho tore off 15 wins in a row to take home the Emperor's Cup, again; a career pinnacle sort of performance for every other rikishi, and just another perfect tourney for the Ichiban man. I'm surprised more people here (in the USA) don't follow Sumo. We definitely support the other combat sports, and it's so old and full of honor and tradition, an exploration of ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus

    "What is your best life achievement you can already boast?"

    by Thrasymachus,Mar/18/2019

    (This one is really tough.) So far as Western societal capitalistic achievement goes, I have walked away from it long ago, as from a thumb sucking companion comfort blanket outgrown and no longer missed. Um I guess the things I would name for an answer aren't generally looked at by the general population as life achievements, so I'll say that I am proud of the level to which I have developed my ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus

    "Are you a pessimistic or an optimistic person?"

    by Thrasymachus,Mar/17/2019

    No. I'm more of a realistic person, with some measure of freedom from cliche false dichotomies of our historical human contrivance.

  • Thrasymachus

    "You have inherited $1000000. How would you spend it?"

    by Thrasymachus,Mar/05/2019

    Well I'd buy that '73 Pantera I've been drooling over, hire Tool to play a party at my house, and spend the rest on drugs and alcohol for the party. Remember, I'll be dead in a week or less - my Pantera goes about 220 mph and I'm gonna be too loaded to drive well, so don't give me any shit about how irresponsible that is blowing all the money like that; I don't want to hear it. (Or....maybe ... Read the whole post

  • Thrasymachus

    "What car do you drive? What car would you like to purchase?"

    by Thrasymachus,Mar/04/2019

    (These questions are less than inspired, but I've become addicted to doing this; I made need fixing, perhaps through daring deed of some other's inexplicable metacognitive abilities: who knows?) Right now I'm driving that black Ford F150 with the icicle mohawk (posted a couple pics of it), but I'm not sure how long its going to last - he has some rust issues and might not be worth repairing, and ... Read the whole post

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